Hey Girl, Hey!
I want to jump right in and ask a question. Do you allow God the space to be God, or do you pray then make the decision yourself, not waiting for God to provide direction? I know I have, more than once.
There’s this post on my IG that talks about a time that I called my uncle in tears. You know how your
about to talk to someone right after a good cry so you try to clean yourself up, wipe your tears and make sure your voice doesn’t crack? That was me! Since you’ve been in this position as well then you already know the facade didn’t last long. Driving down this dark road after looking at housing for a family member I felt like I had weights on me. Not the 5lb ones but the heavy ones where a spotter is needed. Not solely because of the task that I was doing at the moment but a combination of things that were on my mind. In that moment the weights got heavier, and I had to call a spotter. My uncle.
Through our conversation he reminded me that I have to allow God the space to be God. It was like fireworks going off in my mind. If I always save the day, am I not doing God’s job? So many times, we try to figure it out or provide what is needed at that moment, not giving God the space to get the glory. How can he bless while I’m steady providing? After that conversation I thought about how many blessings I probably blocked or lessons that needed to be learned that I derailed because I intervened. Just imagine God ready to bless beyond what one can imagine; he’s at the breaking point of dealing with someone’s heart and faith and here I come providing temporary provision. Now don’t get me wrong what God has for you is for you but I’ve learned that there are lessons in every battle. My biggest lessons usually come when I’m forced on my knees in prayer.
Allowing God the space to be God isn’t always about helping others its about yourself as well. We pray and pray and when God doesn’t answer fast enough, we start making direction for ourselves. Sometimes moving out of flesh. Even though direction may come in movement for some make sure your mind, heart and ears are open to hear him clearly. I’ve been working on taking a page out of my accountability partners notebook; praying about everything even the smallest thing before I move. This helps me by ensuring that my actions although they are good are in his will for the person or situation. As some pray for vision, pray for wisdom and guidance. The wisdom to know when to move and when to be still. The stillness is just as powerful as the movement.
You cannot change what you are, only what you do. -Philip Pullman
I didn’t plan on adding this part but as I was reading over my post God said how can they hear me? This blog is to encourage you through my authentic journey navigating this thing called life, not what I heard or what sounds good but what has been true for me. So here I go...
To hear from God, I sometimes feel like I’m still learning this as well. I hear God the clearest when I have been in his word, reading writing, studying and closing my time with him in prayer.
When I pray, I don’t always get right up. Sometimes I sit in silence to allow him the space to answer because once I start the day it may be harder for me to hear him clearly as everything else in the world now has my attention. Days when I really want to usher in his presence, I turn on music and I worship him on my knees. I’ve noticed that the times that I am not buried in his word it’s harder for me to determine what’s my thoughts from his voice. That is why I have worked and still working on making my prayer life and study time intentional so I can always ensure I am moving in God’s will.